ERP095 - The REAL MSP Market

ERP095 - The REAL MSP Market

Colin Knox - CEO of Gradient MSP

Today on the podcast I’m speaking with Colin Knox CEO and co-founder of Gradient MSP. Colin is an MSP channel veteran. He built and sold his MSP, and created Passportal, which he sold to Solarwinds. Now Colin is back at it with Gradient.

Colin and I get real on the composition of the MSP market not being what a lot of people would seem to understand. How that influences the vendors and marketers of the industry and what effects that has on a huge majority of the MSP market. 

We get on our soapboxes a bit in this one and talk about some really important topics. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Colin.

This episode is brought to you by Evolved MSP Training. Great courses for MSP leaders, Project Managers, and much more!

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